Pain Management
iving with pain can be incredibly stressful and can impact on every aspect of your life. At Longfield Polyclinic, we understand that getting some relief from pain can make a huge difference to how you live.

Complaints covered
As well as offering expert consultations, the pain management team can provide the following types of imaging guided injections:
* Medial branch blocks (Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar)
* Nerve root (Cervical)
* Paravertebral injection (Thoracic/Lumbar)
* Sacro iliac joint injection
* Sacro iliac lateral branch blocks
* Sacral/pudendal nerve root injection
* Occipital/major nerve block
* Major nerve plexus block
* Nerve peripheral neuromodulation
* Trigger point/scar injection
* Botox injection to piriformis/muscle
* Muscle/bursa/tendon/joint injection
* Radiofrequency denervation
* Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection
Fee structure