Reiki is a powerful system of hands-on healing used by many people all over the world. Reiki pronounced ray key, is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy.
Reiki has no association with religion, faith or belief systems and it can be received by anyone who is willing to be ‘healed’. You remain fully clothed and can receive energies while lying or sitting down. A reiki treatment is usually very relaxing and can be an opportunity for emotional release, a chance to talk or you may simply fall asleep. Fee Structure
Fee Structure
- Reiki (without massage) x 60 minutes = £66
- Bespoke Holistic Massage x 90 minutes= £82.50
- Bespoke Holistic Massage x 60 minutes= £66
- Bespoke Holistic Massage x 30 minutes= £44
* Option to have with massage