The therapeutic effects of massage have been used for centuries. From anxiety to tension headaches, massage has been shown to provide relief for a whole host of conditions. Muscles are relaxed which improve the range of motion of joints, stress is reduced and circulation is enhanced. You will feel yourself drifting away and enjoying the physical sweeping sensations on your body.

Jacqueline’s Bespoke Holistic Massage blends the therapeutic effects of massage with the transference of Reiki*. Working intuitively, Jacqueline helps to balance the physical and emotional you. You may choose from a full body massage or selected areas only for example the back, neck and shoulders.

*Reiki is optional

Fee Structure

Bespoke Holistic Massage x 1.5 hours = £82.50
Bespoke Holistic Massage x 60 minutes = £66
Bespoke Holistic Massage x 30 minutes = £44

Tuppence House, Brickfield Farm, Main Rd, Longfield DA3 7PJ


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